Prevent NXT Improves Efficiency of Applied Phosphorus

Prevent NXT is an additive for liquid phosphate fertilizers and manure, designed to improve phosphorus efficiency, availability, and uptake. Unlike other phosphorus additives, Prevent NXT maximizes phosphorus availability by protecting orthophosphate in the soil solution with our biochemical technology package NET (Nutrient Enhancement Technology) and encourages uptake with our nCeption technology. Plus, the clear formulation makes it ideal for flow monitoring where visibility is required.

The Vital Role of Phosphorus

  • Photosynthesis
  • Respiration
  • Energy Storage
  • Cell Growth
  • Transfer of Genetic Information

Phosphorus Availability is Dependent on:

  • pH
  • P Levels
  • Clay Minerals
  • Moisture
  • Temperature
  • Supply of Other Nutrients

North American Soils in 2020

46% Tested Below Critical Values

Efficiency from P Applications

Low at 10-30% Recovery

Crops have a difficult time acquiring adequate phosphorus and it is immobile in the soil. Application methods such as placement, form, volume, and addition of biological or biochemical technologies can improve phosphorus efficiency. Key biologicals can function to solubilize phosphorus (bacteria) or to serve as extensions of the plant root system (fungi). Addition of carbon sources such as humic acids also promote growth and function of these soil microbes as well.

Powered by these exclusive technologies:


Product Advantages:

  • NET Technology increases phosphorus availability and efficiency.
  • Reduces phosphorus fixation
  • One product for liquid and dry manure applications
  • nCeption promotes nutrient absorption

Contact Us About Prevent NXT!

Microcoat Ultra Increases Efficiency of Applied Fertilizers

Microcoat Ultra is a fertilizer use efficiency product for growers who need to maximize the impact of dry fertilizer and micronutrient applications. The micronutrient package creates a more uniform distribution in the field. Microcoat Ultra contains our propriety techologies NET (Nutrient Enhancement Technology), nCeption, and NTake. Combined, these technologies improve phosphorus availability in the soil, absorption of key nutrients, and maximum phloem mobility. Unlike treated dry fertilizer, Microcoat Ultra delivers maximum impact per pound of applied fertilizer.

Meeting Crop Nutrient Need is Compounded by Several Factors

Soil Test Levels are Inadequate to Quantify Micronutrients
Tissue Testing is the Only Methods of Documenting Problems
Antagonism with High Levels of Fertilizer or P is Documented with Fe, Cu, Zn
Range between Deficiency and Toxicity is Very Narrow

Low application rates create difficulty in uniform dispersion of micronutrients. Standard application can create zones of toxicity rather than uniformly remove deficiency.

Powered by nCeption and NET Technologies, Microcoat Ultra significantly improves the availability and absorption of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Microcoat Ultra also utilizes important elements to provide crops with essential components needed for chlorophyll production and photosynthesis. Designed to reduce dust during application, Microcoat Ultra enhances nutrient availability and utilization in plants by increasing cation availability and minimizing nutrient fixation.

Powered by these exclusive technologies:


Product Advantages:

  • NET increases nutrient availability
  • nCeption promotes nutrient absorption
  • NTake maximizes nutrient mobility to critical plant systems
  • Better distribution of essential nutrients
  • Provides essential nutrients needed for chlorophyll production and photosynthesis

Contact Us About Microcoat Ultra!

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Don’t settle for the one-size-fits-all products. Every grower’s plant nutrition needs are unique based on crop, location, and current crop management system. Our team has the expertise to develop a solution tailor-made for your crops. Let’s get started today with a conversation on how we can help you achieve your goals.