Why Plant Nutrition

Small Adjustments
for Huge Returns

When it comes to plant nutrition products, a little change in how you farm can make a big impact. Implementing proper plant nutrition is a critical step to crop management that enables growers to address common problems while achieving – and often exceeding – production goals.

Plant Nutrition Products


Helps protect plants and reduces the risk of environmental stressors.


Works in tandem with existing crop-management processes.


Improves crop resiliency by strengthening roots.


Increases yield potential up to 12x, according to research and testimonials.

Not all plant nutrition products are created equal.

Custom plant nutrition products can power crops to better absorb and utilize nutrients for maximum benefits. Without the right technology fertilizer inputs could never make it to the crop or nutrients could remain tied up in the soil. See how our products are different.

Solve a Problem or Achieve a Goal with Plant Nutrition Products

When it comes to farming, the unpredictable will inevitably happen. What if there were things you could do to help address problems in the moment? Or even stop them before they start? View some common issues our growers face and click to view solutions and ways plant nutrition has helped them.

Stressful Environmental Conditions

Under stressful conditions such as heat or drought, a secondary source of nutrients is critical. When plants are stressed, they deplete nutrient storages. Including a blend of crop nutrition products along with specially crafted compounds early in your crop management program can increase the plant’s uptake of nutrients and go a long way toward improving plant mass, seedling vigor and uniform emergence, even during stressful times.

Slow Plant Growth

Seeing slow plant growth, yellowing leaves or stunted plants early in your plants’ life cycle? You may have a nitrogen-loss problem, otherwise known as leaching. Nitrogen is essential to plant growth, and your soil composition could be contributing to nitrogen loss. Nitrogen management aids can help protect your nitrogen, make nitrogen available to plants for longer and reduce leaching. When inputs are kept in the root zone, plants are likely to grow faster. For best results, choose an aid formulated for your crop and preferred application method to ensure you get the most out of your nitrogen.

Small Leaf Index & Leaf Rolling

Seeing lower than normal leaf index and/or leaf rolling? You may be experiencing drier than normal conditions. When water isn’t readily available, encouraging the plant to use the water it has is important. With the right mix of macro- and micronutrients, you can improve a plant’s ability to hold water, increase water translocation and reduce evaporation in soil. Organic acids provide the right mix of nutrients to help plant development when it is dry. This also allows plants to build a larger leaf surface to capture sunlight and produce more energy.

Poor Grain Fill & Grain/Pod Retention

Seeing poor grain fill and retention? You may have a pollination problem, extreme heat and/or a boron deficiency. Late in a plant’s life cycle, the highest nutrient demand comes right at grain fill. If nutrients aren’t available during this critical time, your yield may suffer. Boron is essential for proper plant development. During pollination, it opens up pollen tubes and moves sugars to aid in fruit quality and development throughout the plant. Boron also protects against pod abortion, increasing flowering and grain retention.

Poor Root Development

Seeing poor root and nodule growth when pulling early plant samples? You may have a moisture or seedling disease problem caused by cold temperatures. Plants receive limited nutrients when soil temps drop below favorable zones. Fertilizers with proper levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can supplement a seedling with the right nutrition, promoting growth and increased plant vigor. In-furrow or seed treatment applications place this concentration of nutrients directly in the seed zone, ensuring plants have early access to vital nutrients and extending yield capability.