Soil isn’t just dirt – it’s the foundation of your operation. You need to do whatever you can to produce and maintain soil that maximizes crop quality and yield, for this season and for many to come.

One way to do that is to get educated about Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC).

What is Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Why Does It Matter?

Without getting too scientific, CEC measures the total capacity of the soil–your soil–to hold exchangeable cations, which are positively charged ions that provide a valuable nutrient source for plants and crops. It also provides a buffer against soil acidification.

Okay, maybe that was more science than you wanted, but you get the picture, right? Suffice it to say, CEC is a leading indicator of soil fertility, making it critical to the quality and yield of your crops.

What does CEC indicate?

    • Nutrient availability: CEC influences how much calcium, magnesium, and potassium are available to plants. 
    • Soil structure: CEC affects soil structure stability. 
    • Soil pH: CEC influences soil acidity (pH).
    • Fertilizer response: CEC affects how soil reacts to fertilizers and other amendments. 

NZone GL Logo

Take the Next Step in Nitrogen Management

Low-CEC soils cause nitrogen to leach below the root zone, resulting in lower yields and higher costs. To prevent these negative events, you need to find a way to capture nitrogen and lock it into the soil profile.

At AgXplore, we call it Nitrogen Management, and we have just what you’re looking for.

NZone GL™ is a biologically friendly nitrogen management product containing our XN technology. It can be used on anhydrous ammonia, UAN or manure to maximize the volume of nitrogen getting to your crops throughout the growing season.

Advantages of NZone GLwith XN Technology:

  • Manages nitrogen below ground during key growth stages
  • Serves as a high-CEC site
  • Places and manages nitrogen in the root system
  • Works with soil profile, not against it
  • Natural and biodegradable
  • Safe and easy to handle, does not freeze and is odorless
  • Can be applied in fall or spring

Soil is Critical to Us

Just like you, for us soil is more than “just dirt.” It’s our livelihood. That’s why AgXplore is the ideal partner for you as you work to maximize crop quality and yields through higher levels of nitrogen and other key nutrients.

As you plan for your next growing season, consider using NZone GL™ to improve your CEC…and your overall crop health.


At AgXplore, we are dedicated to developing products that help growers improve their plant nutrition, fertility management, and overall crop nutrient profile. For additional information, contact us today or call us at (573) 357-4506.

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