Oh Deer, Look at My Crops…

Products, Resources, Specialty

Here at AgX, we always talk about our technologies in our Fertilizer Management, Plant Nutrition, and Adjuvant portfolio. We strive in those product lines to help you get the most out of your crop and to help you reinvest in your yield.

Whether it is fertilizer management, plant nutrition, herbicides or fungicides, there is another part of protecting your crop that sometimes has to do with Mother Nature’s furry friends. Many of you reading this are animal lovers and responsible hunters, yet you don’t want them snacking on or damaging your crop. Whether the commodity price of your particular crop is at $2/bushel or $10/bushel, there is most definitely a cost involved when it comes to crop damage from wildlife. Being originally from northcentral Wisconsin, I know how turkeys, deer and bears can wreak havoc on a crop.

The big question is:

How do we help prevent crop damage from animals in a safe and responsible manner?

The answer is: 

XFenceTM is an environmentally safe and non-toxic product designed to defend against wildlife that feed on plants by creating a powerful scent and taste barrier.

XFenceTM is an environmentally safe and non-toxic product designed to defend against wildlife that feed on plants by creating a powerful scent and taste barrier.

XFenceTM can be used on actively growing crops, as well as being able to be used around seed and grain storage areas. XFenceTM is formulated from ingredients that are proven to be an effective foliar spray to deter animal activity.

XFenceTM should be applied to vulnerable plants at the beginning of each growing season and reapplied as new growth occurs. It is also safe to reapply as animal activity increases back into the area. For increased coverage and extended life, consider adding SursilTM or FireflyTM. For an added nutritional benefit when applying, consider pairing with ArchiTechTM or MicroScienceTM .

XFenceTM anyone?

Reach out to an AgXplore agronomist to learn more about XFenceTM from AgX.

Bryce Erdman
AgX Sales Support

Get In Touch




Wildlife-related economic losses to agricultural producers (farmers and ranchers)
in the United States exceed $4.5 billion annually.

(Purdue University  2006, June. Corn and Soybean Crop Depredation by Wildlife)


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