Supplying your plants with nutrition is only efficient if the plant is taking the nutrients where they need to go. To aid in this process, AgXplore created the technology NTake. This technology serves as a delivery mechanism, and it does so by increasing the uptake, utilization, and mobilization of nutrients within the plant. By incorporating NTake in our plant nutrition products, it helps to eliminate the question, “Am I applying enough plant nutrition products?” There is no need to dump excess onto the foliage or soil. Growers have the peace of mind that the plant nutrition products that were originally applied are helping the plant reach its genetic potential.

Now that we have covered what NTake does for plants, we can discuss how. Let’s use zinc as an example. Zinc gets taken up by the root system, moves to a growing point and then moves to the node/collar. While it is important for the zinc to be utilized where it is, NTake aids in also taking zinc to the next growing point as the plant continues to grow. This allows the zinc to be more efficient in the plant which will lead to higher odds of success for meeting its genetic potential.

As growers move into the late growing season, they can see the results of NTake. For example, as corn starts to shoot tassel and enter the R stage, the nutrients begin to move to get stored in the stock or the leaf tissue. Growers will then find a deeper, heavier kernel with an increase in test weight and yield. This technology works the same for cotton, rice, canola, soybeans and all other crops. It is about timing and the right technology in the products that are applied to see the greatest return on investment.

To learn more about what AgXplore products like CalPak that utilize this technology visit our products page.

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