“OnWard” To Higher Yields

Education, OnWard - AgXplore, Plant Nutrition

Onward Max utilizes AgXplore’s Plant Growth Technology (PGT) Platform. PGT is our platform for EPA registered technologies designed to increase plant performance. Onward Max is an EPA-registered product containing a unique blend of plant hormones that are designed and proven most effective when applied during the early reproductive stages of plants. Onward Max applied at 6.4 oz/acre during early reproductive stages increases the ability of plants to retain reproductive sites, which means there are more sites available to fill. Onward Max does this by increasing the naturally occurring ability of a plant to mitigate stress and preserve it’s own yield. The type of crop doesn’t matter, the concept of retaining and filling more reproductive sites (kernels/pods/heads/fruits/bolls) is the same. In addition, the application of Onward Max enhances the ability of plants to capture and transfer more solar energy, making it less susceptible to slowing the reproduction process down or halting it due to environmental stresses that may occur during this time. This promotes enhanced photosynthesis and mobilization of nutrients and increases yield potential through stronger pollination, preserving yield by promoting pod fill, and higher test weights.

Field trials performed since 2016 prove that Onward Max applied alone at reproductive stages shows positive yield results 88% of the time. The average increase across all trials is 5%. That equates to approximately a 4:1 return 88% of the time on all crops using historical commodity prices. Today with even higher commodity prices this return can be much more significant.

The timing for applying Onward Max is typically when fungicide applications are being made: during the reproductive phases. This provides Onward Max with a “free ride”, maximizing on the cost of the fungicide application. Fungicide is applied to reduce disease pressure and reduce stress so the plant can achieve and maintain optimal health during reproductive growth stages. When Onward Max is applied in conjunction with a fungicide, the fungicide application dollars are maximized due to Onward Max signaling the plant to retain and fill reproductive sites (such as grain and pods) and increase its ability to utilize solar energy and mobilize nutrients. All the while, the fungicide maintains plant health. To take it one step further, if the proper plant nutrition is applied during the same application, this will feed those sites that the plant has retained.

Onward Max retains the yield potential, fungicide keeps the plant healthy, and additional plant nutrition feeds the need.

graph showing positive response using OnWard with yield increases across all trials on all crops

88.3% positive response with a 5.4% avg. yield increase across all trials on all crops

Onward Max and the Plant Growth Technology platform from AgXplore utilizes new and unique EPA registered plant hormones. Onward Max is a product in the marketplace that is truly unique, and is now being offered by AgXplore with  proven potential to ensure a consistent ROI to the grower when applied alone. The addition of fungicides and plant nutrition will only increase it from there. When yield potential is determined, mother nature does all it can to strip it away. Apply Onward Max to combat that and enhance the natural ability of plants to optimize yield potential.

For more information about OnWard Max or other AgXplore products, visit https://agxplore.com/products/.

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