Prevent Crop Nutrient Depletion with AgXplore

Education, Fertilizer Management, MicroCoat Ultra - AgXplore

It’s that time of year again! You may feel like you are always hearing that, but it’s amazing how every season just flies by. As harvest season wraps up, the final months of 2024 mean looking back on your yields and overall crop health, including the successful and the not-so-successful, to help you turn the page and plan for a successful 2025.

Obviously, you want to maximize your crops – after all, they’re your livelihood. A key thing to remember is that where you had those big successes in 2024 means you also removed critical nutrients from the soil. This year’s nutrient removal, along with nutrient depletion over time, can get out of hand if we leave it too long.

You know you need to get ahead of crop depletion and you can start this fall. Proper nutrient levels are important when prices are high and especially when margins are low. This, along with other variables – both expected and those that come “out of nowhere” – are always working against you. 

What’s the “Easy” Solution?

Soil depletion doesn’t happen overnight. It can creep up on you, slowly sapping your land of valuable nourishment and reducing both crop quality and yield. Before you know it, your crops are consistently underperforming.

Making a simple addition to your fertilizer application–a catalyst that boosts nutrient uptake–can improve your overall crop health. 

MicroCoat™ Ultra to the Rescue

As you think about 2025, it’s important to consider how you’re going to maximize yield and crop health. But you don’t have time to research solutions; you have a farm to run.

Luckily, the team at AgXplore has done heavy lifting for you by developing MicroCoat Ultra. MicroCoat Ultra improves the absorption and efficiency of applied fertilizers by accelerating the conversion of nutrients to a plant available form, maximizing uptake.

MicroCoat Ultra can be conveniently applied on both dry phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and can also be applied in the fall.

MicroCoat Ultra contains our NET, nCeption and NTake technologies to improve phosphorus availability in the soil, absorption of key nutrients, and mobility within the plant.

Case in Point

In a Wisconsin test plot, we compared a corn crop using untreated dry fertilizer with one using MicroCoat™ Ultra. As you can see, the section treated delivered significantly better results. And that’s a direct benefit to your bottom line.

Wisconsin Field Plot Results

Advantages of using MicroCoat™ Ultra:

  • Increases nutrient availability (NET technology)
  • Promotes nutrient absorption (nCeption)
  • Maximizes nutrient mobility to critical plant systems (NTake)
  • Improves distribution of essential nutrients
  • Provides essential nutrients needed for chlorophyll production and photosynthesis.

Putting MicroCoat Ultra to Work for You

Crop depletion can have a significant effect on your yield, and therefore, your profitability. Left untreated, it can be devastating. Luckily, maintaining crop health and maximum yields is easy when you have a proven strategy and a partner with the experience and expertise to give you the tools you need to safely and effectively maximize your yield and crop health.

As we spread this fall and look forward to 2025 and beyond, consider MicroCoat™ Ultra as a prime weapon in reducing or eliminating crop depletion.


At AgXplore, we are dedicated to developing products that help growers improve their plant nutrition, fertility management, and overall crop nutrient profile. For additional information, contact us today or call us at (573) 357-4506.

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