Why are you settling for only fractions of availability from your fertilizer inputs? According to the USDA, the United States alone consumed over 44 million tons of N, P, and K in 2019. So with billions of dollars in the ground, settling for 20-40% of your nutritional investment seems like a huge strain on efficiency and resources like time, custom applications, and implement hours to name a few.There is a better way and AgXplore is leading the charge.
By treating your input investment with innovative, proprietarily-derived technologies and nutrition found in MicroCoat™ Ultra, you can not only increase the availability of your nutrition, but you can also increase absorption.
Why It’s Important to Treat Fertilizer Inputs
Fertilizer inputs like phosphorus and potassium make up over 40% of inputs in the US, and for good reason.
Phosphorus is critical in a plant’s energy synthesis and utilization, especially in the processes of photosynthesis, root development and growth, and seed production. Potassium is required in the production of over 80 enzymes required for water-use efficiency and grain fill, to name a few.
However both phosphorus and potassium have varying availability due to immobility and leaching, respectively, so protecting your nutritional investment with a fertilizer management aid, like MicroCoat™ Ultra, can be the difference when calculating end of season return on investment.
MicroCoat™ Ultra Yields ROI
MicroCoat™ Ultra, a new, first-in-class dry phosphorus and potassium management aid, is packed with proprietarily-derived technologies, NET™ and nCeption™, combined with a micronutrient package. Designed to boost P and K availability and absorption, MicroCoat™ Ultra increases nutrient efficiency and yield potential.
In a 2019 study by Agri-Tech Consulting in Whitewater, WI, MicroCoat™ Ultra treated fertilizer on corn outperformed the grower standard untreated fertilizer, resulting in a 9.76 bu/ac increase, and more great results keep rolling in from growers throughout the country.
For more information on how MicroCoat™ Ultra can help to boost crop production in your area, contact your local AgXplore-US dealer or sales representative, or sign up for your customized assessment here.
1 USDA, Economic Research Service using data from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO), and The Fertilizer Institute (TFI). https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/fertilizer-use-and-price/