Today’s farmers demand effective crop nutrition and innovative technology in order to maximize their investments and increase yield. At AgXplore, we’ve developed technologies that manage nitrogen inputs, increase nutrient availability, provide carbon sources that increase nutrient absorption, and boost nutrient mobility to critical plant systems.

AgXplore consists of leading agronomists, scientists, chemists, and more, all committed to helping you improve yields and increase profits. Our team has seen firsthand the challenges farmers face year after year and have worked tirelessly to address and develop the solutions to keep you moving forward.

AgXplore: Innovation Grounded in Technology

Crop nutrition, paired with our exclusive technologies, is the key differentiator in our products.  Let’s take a look at the line of AgX Technologies.

Xcelerated Nitrogen Technology

Rainfall and irrigation water can result in the leaching of valuable nitrogen in many situations. XN Technology is a unique form of nitrogen management because it locks nitrogen in the soil profile, where your crops need it, and promotes fertilizer uptake and efficiency while preserving soil biology. This results in lower costs and higher yields. We call this Nitrogen Management, and it’s the key to protecting your bottom line. XN Technology is found in ContaiN™, ContaiN Duo™, ContaiN Advanced™, NZone GL™, and NZone MAX™.

Nutrient Enhancement Technology

Crop nutrition begins with NET. NET includes an enzyme package that works to split bonds and increases efficiency in fertilizers applied to the soil. NET also drives nutrient availability in the soil and ensures nutrients are readily available in plant-preferred compounds around the roots for faster delivery. NET is found in MicroCoat Ultra and PremierePak Advanced.


We can’t talk about crop technology without mentioning nCeption. As a unique carbon technology, nCeption increases the foliar intake of essential nutrients in key growth stages and supports the photosynthetic process by providing essential nutrients. nCeption boosts soil CEC in starter fertilizers, increases plant energy, and feeds microbes that produce enzymes to break down the residue of plants from the prior year. Products like NutraK are great for implementing this carbon technology!


As a plant nutrition technology, NTake enhances the mobilization and utilization of foliar and soil-applied nutrients. Plus, NTake optimizes photosynthetic activity and helps to increase plant biomass. If you want to boost the efficiency of essential nutrients during key growth stages, rely on NTake Technology by AgXplore. NTake can be found in Contain Advanced™, XR5 Sulfur, XR5-KSB, ValuPak, BorPak, GroPakNutriPak, NitroUltra, CalPak and GroPak A.I..

The Crop Nutrition Experts

We’re in the field every day, developing solutions for farmers. If you’re looking to take your investments further and get higher yields, talk to the experts at AgXplore. We also offer a free online assessment because starting with a conversation is also better than a product guide. Let’s get your crop nutrition playbook ready for planting season. Reach out to us today.

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